5×1000: Grazie.
settembre 8, 2020
Aimft in diretta su Well TV
settembre 19, 2020

La maratona FTD 2020: Around the globe in 24 hours

ftd_marathon 2020

Around the globe in 24 hours: La maratona FTD 2020

In questo momento di grande incertezza Aimft non si è mai fermata e, come parte della Word FTD United (www.worldftdunited.net), ha deciso di organizzare un grandioso evento web del tutto gratuito e dedicato, proprio nella settimana Mondiale della consapevolezza della malattia, ai caregivers e anche a tutti coloro che, per la loro professione o per circostanze di vita, si trovino a confrontarsi con la malattia Frontotemporale.

L’evento coinvolgerà tutto il mondo. Per quanto riguarda l’Italia, in questi mesi abbiamo raccolto i contributi dei nostri esperti più illustri che si sono messi a disposizione per informarci in modo semplice, ma allo stesso tempo scientifico ed autorevole su tutte le novità In materia. Per il momento ‘save the date’: 3 ottobre 2020 ore 10.00!!!

Programma Europeo


Openings & Welcome
ir. Hendrik-Jan van der Waal, chair & founder FTD Lotgenoten, Netherlands


What is FTD and What do we know
dr. Yolande Pijnenburg, neurologist and chair FTD Expertgroep, VUMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands


International Collaboration Across the World
Dr Jonathan Rohrer, Consultant Neurologist and FTD Lead, Dr Lucy Russell and Dr Martina Bochetta, Dementia Research Centre, University College London


Biomarkers in FTD
Emily Todd, Mica Clarke and Aitana Sogorb Esteve, Dementia Research Centre, University College London


Q&A Session
FTD Team, Dementia Research Centre, University College London


The clinical hallmark of FTD: inspiration for biomarkers
Professor Vincenzo Silani, Neurology-Stroke Unit and Laboratory of Neuroscience, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan


Patients and their caregivers before and after COVID 19
Dr. Antonella Alberici, Neurologist, Spedali Civili, Brescia


Sociale Concequenties (dutch)
Freek Gillessen, neursing consultant, VUMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands


Het vinden van de juiste balans (dutch)
Jeroen Bruinsma, MSc, MUMC, Maastricht, Netherlands


Coping and Coming out of Covid 19, a Caregivers experience
Urvashi Desai, Caregiver Rare Dementia Support, University College London


Supporting People with FTD, fFTD, PPA and their Familiies
Nikki Zimmermann, Direct Support Team Lead, Rare Dementia Support, University College London


Molecular bases of FTD: what have we learned
Professor Emanuele Buratti, ICGEB, Trieste


The present and future therapeutical strategies
Professor Barbara Borroni, Neurologist, Spedali Civili, Brescia


Developments in the treatment of FTD GNR: Alector’s trial
Dr Beth Ann Haynes, Neurologist, Alector, San Francisco, Usa


to be specified
Prof. dr. John van Swieten, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands


Q&A Session


The importance of international collaboration: sharing knowledge to combact the disease
Professor Eino Solje, neurologist,Kuopio Finland


FTD & Cognition
Dr Lize Jiskoot, Neuropsychologist, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands


Pass the baton
We pass the talking stick to the Americas

Programma Australiano

10:00 AEST

Openings & Welcome
Dr Tracey Wardill
Clinical Neuropsychologist
World FTD United; AFTDA; Neuropsychology Melbourne

Dr Rosa Rademakers
President, International Society FTD


What is FTD?
Professor Olivier Piguet
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Frontier, Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney


Genetics in FTD
Professor Clement Loy
Westmead Hospital and Frontier, Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney


The Road to Diagnosis – Psychiatric Aspects of FTD
Professor Dennis Velakoulis & Dr Dhamidhu Eratne Neuropsychiatrists
Neuropsychiatry, Royal Melbourne Hospital


Understanding Behavioural Changes in FTD
Dr Wendy Kelso & Dr Sarah Farrand
Clinical Neuropsychologist & Neuropsychiatrist Neuropsychiatry, Royal Melbourne Hospital


Speech and Language Changes in FTD
Camille Paynter
Speech Pathologist
Neuropsychiatry, Royal Melbourne Hospital


The Caring Role in FTD
Daina Fail & Dr Samantha Loi
Social Worker & Neuropsychiatrist
Neuropsychiatry, Royal Melbourne Hospital


Grief and Loss in FTD
Mirelle D’Mello
Frontier, Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney


Clinical trials in FTD and Recent Research Findings
Jeroen Bruinsma, MSc, MUMC, Maastricht, Netherlands


You Are Not Alone – Finding Support
Dr Wendy Kelso & Daina Fail
Clinical Neuropsychologist & Social Worker Neuropsychiatry, Royal Melbourne Hospital


Passing the Baton
Dr Tracey Wardill
Clinical Neuropsychologist
World FTD United; AFTDA; Neuropsychology Melbourne

Programma USA

10:00 EDT

Brief Introductions: ISFTD and AFTD; Frontotemporal Degeneration: Subtypes and Reasons for Hope
Murray Grossman, MD, EdD, Director, Penn FTD Center


The FTD Disorders Registry: Every Story Advances the Science
Lakecia Vincent, MS, MCHES, Registry Manager


Title to be confirmed
Nupur Goshal, MD, PhD
Washington University of St. Louis


Entering the Era of FTD Clinical Trials
Susan L-J Dickinson, MSGC, CEO, The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration; Adam Boxer, MD, PhD, UCSF Memory and Aging Center


Intro to FTD Genetics and Genetic Counseling
Emily Dwosh, MSc, CCGC
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada


Desafíos en tiempos de COVID en pacientes y familias con demencia Frontotemporal en America Latina (Challenges of COVID-19 and FTD in Latin America)
Teresa Torralva, Frontotemporal Dementia Clinic. INECO Foundation. Argentina


Manejo de los trastornos conductuales en la demencia Frontotemporal (Management of behavioral aspects of FTD)
Julian Bustin, Neuropsychiatry and Memory Clinic. INECO Foundation. Argentina


The Lived Perspective of FTD: Discussion and Q&A
AFTD’s Advisory Council


The FTD Care Partner as Advocate
Rita B. Choula, AARP Public Policy Institute


“It Is What It Is”, Screening and Discussion with Director Joe Becker
Joseph Becker
President, Thinkfilm


Maratona flyer 2020


Dicono dell’evento…

giornale di brescia

Fonte: Giornale di Brescia